
Peter Green - Michael Casswell Page One

front cover I recommend this Peter Green guitar lesson which is a two lesson set with 6 songs total.

Our instructor is one of licklibrary's best guitar teachers Michael Casswell.

D'ay 'aint no pamphlet. Neither a .PDF. But since you are already somewhat 'aware' as a guitar player this wont be a problem for you.

Alternatively if your guitar business isn't clean you will be awash in a sea of anguish.

Still you will be awash in that sea at some point anyway so this may as well be the point.

Here at least is addressed the rhythm and the lead of the tunes so its like getting 2 lessons.

So often we only try to play the lead. Its not because we are spandex wearing crotch rockers either.

Its because no one ever taught us how to play rhythm guitar. When you can play a decent version of the rhythm to Black Magic Woman in my opinion you have reached a early mile stone in your guitar playing journey. Here my friends is one fine place to learn to do that.

I recommend this for just about every blues or rock guitar player. You might think you know how to play a couple of these songs and you might be wrong. It happened to people I know!

What's particularly good is Michael Casswell's teaching style. Of all the licklibrary instructors except Andy James you get the most for your money and the least amount of scripted lead them to buy more licklibrary marketing spin. All guitar instructional producers do it to some extent not just ll. They are in my opinion just the most egregious.

    Almost 2 hours worth of Peter Green guitar ambiance.
  • Green Manalishi (37:00)
  • Oh Well (35:00)
  • Black Magic Woman (42:00)

Role Models

“Music is your own experience, your own thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. They teach you there's a boundary line to music. But, man, there's no boundary line to art. - Charlie Parker