
Funk Secrets: Using and Fusing ~ Leo Nocentelli

front cover Sadly I have seen better learn to play rhythm guitar methods than this. Better conceived and presented. I wanted to like it too. This isn't horribly bad, its just I've seen better.

Herein no one talks about counting time such as 16th notes and Leo doesn't count time for us in a meaningful way for a student or even mention the concept. Also do we really need 2 discs for an hour and 23 minutes?

Sure this one uses funk chords like ninths but these are just part of a rhythm guitarists pallet of color. Gm7, Cm7 AM7, D9,D#9, D13. Now don't get me wrong Leo seems like a good guitar player and I am sure if given the chance he could teach us a few things. Except there are so many other methods to choose from.

This Funky guitar lesson opens with Leo being interviewed by John McCarthy. Soon we realize its not James Brown let's dance Funk we are presented with but more of a jazz rock fusion.

Leo says we have to be totally committed to be able to play good funk and that means to cultivate funk in our live's too! I chime in with: to play funk you have to be able to count 16th notes. About 15 minutes into it he plays us a song he wrote called 'Sissy Strut" which is nice and funky bump.

 back coverOn the plus side there is a really nice pamphlet with extra large text and made from nice, crisp, hefty, fresh, and extra white paper. Its seems to follow the below menu quite closely.

There are some guitar exercises for you to do. The camera work is PIP for the most part.

Leo is a pretty good funkster or he would be if John gave him some room. He gives us some nice rhythm dampening tips and for single notes too. At 34 minutes into it he counts himself in to an example of New Orleans style funk.

Then Leo talks about the right hand and it turns out he hybrid picks to allow for some interesting wah-wah pedal funknique. I don't know how to count this.

Plus the plastic case is extra quality. I mean it and I know my cases. And there are 2 just see the menu below. I have second thoughts about recommending this one folks. Its too convoluted. If you really want to learn to play rhythm-funk guitar from the ground up here is where to do it! Then perhaps come back here for specific aspects. I do recommend some of Rockhouse's metal guitar exercises however. They are much more straight forward than this one is. Maybe this one is a little too funky or maybe I am not funky enough. Its your call.

    Disc One ~ about One Hour
  • Ch 1: What is Funk?
  • Ch 2: Chicken Scratching Percussion Accent the 2
  • Ch 3: Chicken Scratching Percussion Accent the 4
  • Ch 4: Chicken Scratching Percussion Swing Feel
  • Ch 5: Essential Funk Chords
  • Ch 6: Syncopated lines hype/hoopla
  • Ch 7: Syncopated lines Classy Stuff
  • Ch 8: Syncopated lines Funky Miracle
  • Ch 9: Combining Chords & Lines  'Look A Py Py'
  • Ch 10: Open E two note Rhythm
  • Ch 11: Multi Layered Rhythms 'People Stay'
  • Ch 12: Multi Layered Rhythms 'Fire on the Bayou'
  • Ch 13: Fusing the Funk: Rock
  • Ch 14: Fusing the Funk: Country
  • Ch 15: Fusing the Funk: Jazz
  • Ch 16: Fusing the Funk: Blues
    Disc Two ~ 23 minutes
  • Ch 1: Funky Techniques and Effects
  • Ch 2: Just Kiss My Baby
  • Ch 3: Lead Guitar warm up Exercises
  • Ch 4: E Major 4 pattern
  • Ch 5: Scales the Musical Alphabet
  • Ch 6: Pentatonic Blues Scales
  • Ch 7: Natural Minor Scales
  • Ch 8: Lead techniques Double Note Pivot
  • Ch 9: Single Note Pivot
  • Ch 10: John McCarthy Jams with Leo
  • Ch 11: Pulling it All Together
  • Ch 12: Funkin' the Funk
  • Ch 13: Interview with Leo Nocentelli
  • Ch 14: Video Chord Chart
  • Ch 15: John McCarthy's Hands of Steel Routines
  • Ch 16: Finger Frenzy
  • Ch 17: Finger Crusher 1
  • Ch 18: Pinky Pull Off

Role Models

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
Michael Jordan