I would tie this for first place if you were looking to learn electric blues guitar played with a guitar pick/plectrum. This is full of the information that you need to know if you are learning the style of what I call city blues guitar.
If your focus is blues finger style or delta or country or even slide guitar you should read some of my other reviews. But this book and lesson set has just about everything you need to know about in it and more to play electric blues guitar. This is pick focused. If you don't finger pick or hybrid pick then snap it up. The Beginning one is around $20 US so its cheap.
There are three levels to this Blues Guitar method: Beginning, Intermediate and Mastering. I have the Mastering and judging from it I can recommend them all as a great value. These are published by the National Guitar Workshop a no nonsense group of guitar slingers and each has a book and or a cd or lesson or all three. Sadly I am missing the CD but have the lesson and this is unfortunate as there are many example cuts on the cd that I am missing.
The Mastering Blues Guitar lesson is 60 minutes long and just highlights parts of the book which is 143 pages of guitar learning Gospel and this once again is the third course book in the guitar method.
As you will see from the books table of contents, there is a lot of theory and inspiration to be gotten from such a well thought out guitar method. Hard work will set you free and it takes time to get better but this separates you from the lazy. Fortune favors the prepared! This method appears to be a God Send - just make sure you get the CD, lesson and book for each successive level I,II,III.
The best revenge is massive success. –Frank Sinatra