
Acoustic Lennon & McCartney, Best of ~ Andrew DuBrock Page Two

That's the thing about the Beatles they wrote great songs using the simplest song writing tricks C G Am F or C Am G F Hey Jude and Let It Be for example. 2 songs that are not covered here.

front cover The first song is quite simple 'And I love Her' has a nice little Intro and outro bass melody and then mostly 2 chords. This is a great forlorn, lonely, love song to croon. Simple is good for beginners.

Yesterday is in your future but to go there you have to tune your acoustic guitar down a whole step to G sounding in F. DAFCGD High to Low. Using a special unconventional strum approach, which Andrew shows us briefly.

Then Andrew runs us through all the chords of the song of which there are quite a few G, F#m, B7, bass E note then walk down to  D-C-D7-G etc. Great song but be careful who you play this for.

Its so pretty and mournful that John Bellushi would smash your guitar into the wall like in Animal House. Great song writing.

Norwegian Wood is next and we have capo activity on the 2nd fret. This is cool and looks like standard tuning voicings with capo and that's an easier state to achieve than alternate tuning your 6 string. Also the chord work is easy to see and the little finger articulations require some stretching. Incredible guitar melody work you must learn. Seriously not too, too hard either!

Acoustic Lennon & McCartney Page One | Page Two | Page Three | Page Four

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